Progress on the West Portage Trail project will continue throughout the spring and summer. The project is scheduled to be completed this fall. Traffic has moved to the north side of Portage Trail to allow for construction of the south side of the road. Improvements during this phase include:
- Roadway widening.
- Completion of the multi-use path.
- Traffic signals.
- Rebuilding the right turn lane from eastbound Portage Trail to southbound State Road.
- Traffic continues to be maintained with detours posted as needed. During this phase, trucks wanting to make the right turn at State Road will be detoured to Schiller Avenue.
Additionally, beginning May 28, all eastbound through traffic from Northampton Road to Valley Road will be detoured for approximately one week. This will allow roadway construction to be completed near Albertson Parkway. Local access will be maintained, and emergency personnel have been notified. The truck detour during this time will be Akron-Peninsula Road to Steels Corners Road to State Road.
Thank you for your patience as we work to improve the operation and safety of this important corridor. More information about the project can be obtained by contacting the Cuyahoga Falls Engineering Department at 330-971-8180.