Zones 1-5 are complete. Currently flushing Zone 6.

Zone Maps

Hydrant flushing is the process of running water through the fire hydrants.

This important action serves dual purposes, the first of which is to remove sediment and iron deposits from the main water lines. Secondly, the flush simulates the working conditions of hydrants and ensures the best fire protection for our community.

Hydrant flushing occurs Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. throughout the summer months. Signs will bring awareness to residents and drivers of the areas affected by hydrant flushing. Hydrant flushing updates will also be posted on the city website at

Discolored Water After Neighborhood Flush?

Please be advised that water may appear discolored after flushing. Allow cold water to run through your taps until it is clear. Please direct questions to the water utilities department.